Everything You Need to Know About Concrete Pumps From Vietnam

A concrete pump plays a vital role in any construction since it is the primary mode of transportation of the concrete from the source of production to the site. Its absence can lead to a lot of delays because otherwise, you will require workers to transport the concrete, which is substantial, and they are limited to using equipment like wheelbarrows or buckets. The work will not only be slow and inefficient but also expose your employees to safety and health risks since concrete is associated with a lot of dust. Below are considerations to help you select the best type of pump you will require for your site.

concrete pump in Vietnam
concrete pump in Vietnam


Concrete pumps in Vietnam come in different sizes to meet all the available demands. Construction projects range from tiny sites to high-end constructions of huge buildings. Your choice of the concrete pump should be able to perform and meet the required capacity. Choosing a small pump in a large project will translate to delays in construction and also an increase in energy costs due to continuous pumping. Furthermore, a large concrete pump in a small site will use excess space and consume high amounts of electricity.

Getting A New Or Used One.

Concrete pump prices vary with the type, size, and functionality levels. The very basic ones will be a bit affordable, while better-performing ones will require you to part a considerable amount of money. You should do a financial evaluation of yourself, then come up with a budget that will guide you. Taking time to check on the variations from different manufactures will give you much accurate scope of what is available and its prices of pump. If you have financial limitations, you can consider settling for a used once since it will serve you well. However, getting an old pump will limit you to getting benefits like warranties or after-sales service.

ABJZ30C diesel cement mixer pump Vietnam
ABJZ30C diesel cement mixer pump Vietnam

Type Of Pump.

Constructions are different, and they all come with unique requirements, hence the innovation of different types of concrete pumps. Your primary guideline is an outline of all your needs and preferences. The two main types of concrete pumps are boom pump and ground pump. A ground pump typically works by connecting of hoes to the output while the other end of the pipes is at the construction site. It is better for small projects. A boom pump, on the other hand, has to get mounted on a trailer. It utilizes an automatic arm that directs the concrete to the assigned location. It is ideal for large construction projects since it can pump large amounts of concrete under high pressure.

With the availability of so many types of Vietnam concrete pumps, your decision-making process can take a lot of time unless you put the factors, as mentioned above, into consideration. Also, being conversant will all your construction requirements will help you further to avoid getting a pump that will not work efficiently. In case of any particular demands, you can always communicate with your supplier and see if you can agree.