15 Ton Gantry Cranes – What To Look For Before You Buy One

There are many different types of gantry cranes that you can obtain. Some of them are designed to be extremely easy to use. What you may not realize is that even if they can only lift 15 tons of weight, you will eventually be able to move most of the merchandise that you have coming into your facility. In some cases, this may involve the use of multiple gantry cranes that can lift this much weight. Unless you have a business that is lifting 50 tons or more, these can make your company more productive. Here is an overview of how you can use this business that can help you generate a substantial amount of revenue.

How 15 Ton Gantry Cranes Work

These work with a very specific format of functionality. For example, you will set it up, connect the load to the hoist and pulley, and the crane will do the rest. Most of these are designed for a very specific amount of weight that you should not go beyond. In general, these are designed to remain stationary, yet you can find those that are mobile when they are only able to lift 15 tons. They are perfect for workshops, airports, and many other locations where minimal amounts of weight need to be lifted.

Single Girder 15 Ton Gantry Crane for Sale
Single Girder 15 Ton Gantry Crane

How To Assess Them Before You Buy One

If you are going to buy one, it’s going to likely be after much evaluation. You need to know that the one you are purchasing is not only capable of lifting 15 tons of weight easily, but that it may also have other attributes that you may require. Having a trolley installed is definitely a benefit. You also need to have one that may have a couple girders up above. This will provide you with the extra support necessary in case you are lifting something that is close to the maximum amount of weight. This will ensure that the system, as well as the structural integrity of the crane, will not be compromised. Learn more https://gantrycranesmanufacturer.com/15-ton-gantry-crane/

Semi Gantry Crane 15 Ton
Semi Gantry Crane 15 Ton

Where Should You Begin Finding This Information

If you want to find this information, it’s only going to take a few hours to gather everything. Most of these companies are advertising on the web and you will quickly find one that is very easy to work with. In some cases, these businesses can be located using your phone, or just your PC, in a matter of minutes. What you need to do was locate a company that can deliver to you and do so in an expedient manner. Whether you are getting one or multiple 15 ton gantry cranes, they should be able to deliver them to wherever you happen to be.

Gantry cranes that you use at your facility are going to be an essential part of everything that you do. Instead of using forklifts, or trying to use manpower to maneuver everything, the cranes can perform this function easily. In many cases, you will be focused upon moving merchandise as quickly as possible, and this may require mobility on the part of the gantry crane. Eventually, you will have one or more of these units at your place of business providing you with this unique ability to lift 15 tons of weight.